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City of Bayard


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Utility Bills & Disconnect Policy

Utility Meters are read on or about the 20th of each month, depending on whether the 20th falls on a business day. The bills are then sent out by the end of the month and are due back to the City by the 10th of the following month. Bills not paid by said date are subject to a late fee of ten percent (10%) of the amount due. Disconnection notices will be mailed to those accounts considered delinquent; the date the bill is to be paid is shown on the disconnect notice. Payment arrangements can be made on a case by case basis by calling the City office before the disconnection date. 

If you are shut off due to non-payment you will be required to pay the full past due amount plus a $50.00 reconnect fee, if paid during business hours; $125.00 reconnect fee after business hours. If you are shut off multiple times, you may be asked to pay another deposit; up to $100.00. 

The City accepts checks, cash, money orders, credit/debit cards, ACH direct payment, and online (check out our website). There is a drop box located by the front door for after-hour payments. Please mark any payment with a name of the account holder and an account number. 

If you have a question about your bill, please call the City Office at 308-586-1121.